Lær om stjernene og nordlyset til sjøs

northern lights

Har du noen gang vært nysgjerrig på himmelens underverker? Eller ønsket å observere stjernekonstellasjoner og nordlyset, uten å bli forstyrret av lysforurensning? Nå har du sjansen!

Bli med på en astronomiseilas og seil gjennom Norges vakreste natur mens du utforsker himmelens egne imponerende landskap av stjerner og aurora borealis.

Lær av ekspertene våre fra Royal Astronomical Society

På astronomi-seilasene med Havila Kystruten får du nyte engasjerende foredrag fra anerkjente engelskspråklige astronomer.

Deltakelse i astronomiprogrammet kan legges til under bestillingsprosessen på de spesifikke seilasene for:3148,-

Møt våre eksperter

Ian Ridpath mugshot

Ian Ridpath

Ian Ridpath er en internasjonalt anerkjent forfatter og foredragsholder innen astronomi og romfart.

Han er redaktør for det anerkjente Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy og har skrevet en populær serie med nattehimmelguider for nybegynnere. Som et verdsatt medlem av Royal Astronomical Societys outreach-team, Ridpath guidet nordlys-entusiaster i Norge siden 2010.

Sir John Zarnecki

John Zarnecki

John Zarnecki er en fremtredende engelsk romforsker.

Zarnecki mottok Royal Astronomical Societys gullmedalje i 2014, og tjenestegjorde som organisasjonens president fra 2016, etter å ha vært visepresident fra 2009 til 2011. Han har innehatt betydelige stillinger, blant annet som direktør for International Space Science Institute i Sveits og som professor i romvitenskap ved Open University. Med sin deltakelse i viktige romsondeoppdrag, er Zarnecki en ledende autoritet på romskrot, kosmisk støv og kollisjoner.

Merk at kun én astronom/professor vil delta på hver av seilingene.


Sikre deg plass i astronomiprogrammet på en av seilasene nedenfor ved å velge det som en tilleggstjeneste når du bestiller din reise. *Oppgitte datoer gjelder avreise fra Bergen.

Professor John Zarnecki — 21. jan

  • The Northern Lights – What, Why, and When: Exploring the wonders of the aurorae, the science behind them, the associated mythology, and anticipated observations.
  • Are We Alone? Life in the Universe: Arguably the biggest question faced by science today. Current attempts to search for extraterrestrial life and prospects for finding ET will be described. 
  • Titan – The Moon That Thinks It's a Planet: Saturn’s largest moon and the second largest in the Solar System, is one of its most exotic. Lakes and seas, atmosphere, weather, and possibly even a subsurface ocean, current and future ground and space-based explorations will be described. 
  • Spacecraft I Have Known and Loved: Reflections from a 40-year career as a 'Rocket Scientist. 
  • Red Giants, White Dwarfs, Clusters, and Other Strange Cosmic Creatures: The sky is full of strange and exotic objects, many visible to the naked eye or with small binoculars. 
  • Comets – From Mythology to Reality: In the last 40 years, spacecraft have been sent to comets, landed on one, and even returned some cometary dust to Earth. What have we learned?
  • What Happens When Space Goes Wrong: Spacecraft are remarkably reliable, but sometimes things go awry. Some of the most infamous failures in space exploration will be discussed.  


Bestill nå

Ian Ridpath — 23. feb

  • Welcome to Norway: Introduction to the voyage and insight into what lies ahead. 
  • Fantastic Northern Lights: Wonders of the auroras – exploring their visual splendor, associated legends, and the science behind them. 
  • Stories of the Stars: constellations, their significance in myths, art, and positions in the sky. 
  • When We Walked on the Moon: The Apollo missions. 
  • The Planets: Our neighbour worlds in space. 
  • Comets, the Ghostly Wanderers: Learn about comets and their voyages through the cosmos. 
  • Eclipses of the Sun and Moon: The dynamics and importance of both solar and lunar eclipses.


Bestill nå

Ian Ridpath — 15. okt

  • Welcome to Norway: Introduction to the voyage and insight into what lies ahead. 
  • Fantastic Northern Lights: Wonders of the auroras – exploring their visual splendor, associated legends, and the science behind them. 
  • Stories of the Stars: constellations, their significance in myths, art, and positions in the sky. 
  • When We Walked on the Moon: The Apollo missions. 
  • The Planets: Our neighbour worlds in space. 
  • Comets, the Ghostly Wanderers: Learn about comets and their voyages through the cosmos. 
  • Eclipses of the Sun and Moon: The dynamics and importance of both solar and lunar eclipses.


Bestill nå

Professor John Zarnecki — 14. nov

  • The Northern Lights – What, Why, and When: Exploring the wonders of the aurorae, the science behind them, the associated mythology, and anticipated observations.
  • Are We Alone? Life in the Universe: Arguably the biggest question faced by science today. Current attempts to search for extraterrestrial life and prospects for finding ET will be described. 
  • Titan – The Moon That Thinks It's a Planet: Saturn’s largest moon and the second largest in the Solar System, is one of its most exotic. Lakes and seas, atmosphere, weather, and possibly even a subsurface ocean, current and future ground and space-based explorations will be described. 
  • Spacecraft I Have Known and Loved: Reflections from a 40-year career as a 'Rocket Scientist. 
  • Red Giants, White Dwarfs, Clusters, and Other Strange Cosmic Creatures: The sky is full of strange and exotic objects, many visible to the naked eye or with small binoculars. 
  • Comets – From Mythology to Reality: In the last 40 years, spacecraft have been sent to comets, landed on one, and even returned some cometary dust to Earth. What have we learned?
  • What Happens When Space Goes Wrong: Spacecraft are remarkably reliable, but sometimes things go awry. Some of the most infamous failures in space exploration will be discussed.  


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*Alle forelesningene vil bli gitt på engelsk.